Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo
JOSÉ YAQUE. Tierra Madre, 2017

JOSÉ YAQUE. Tierra Madre, 2017

Yaque’s work has not been fixed by the limits of a medium or thematic labels. He can be seen having recourse, from the earliest creative phases, to preexisting objects and manufactured substances as the raw material of his praxis. «I’m an admirer of nature; for me it’s an inexhaustible source of meaning, and in it I see everything very clearly. When I see a tree, through it I can explain many things and with rivers the same thing happens; but beyond the will to explain something, what nature gives me is a lot of pleasure. I love life near it, the sea, a landscape. For example, I was born in Manzanillo, my house there is located beside the sea and that’s always been a reality which has been decisive for me; the horizon for me is a kind of balm. For that reason I think that having been born there is decisive for me, facing the sea, with my back to the city. Horizontality finds a space in almost all my work, even if it doesn’t appear in explicit form».

José Yaque in conversation with Laura Salas Redondo, Tierra Madre, pp.19-24, Vol.II, Maretti, 2017

Publisher: Maretti Editore
ISBN: 978-88-98855-79-7; 987-88-98855-79-7
Year: 2017