Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo
Solo show

- Solo show, GALLERIA CONTINUA, Les Moulins. Photo Oak Taylor-Smith

Solo show

- Cloudless, 2011, PTFE modules, steel cables, fixing plastic stripes 900 x 300 cm approx. Photo Emmanuelle Sion

Solo show

- Cloudless, 2011, PTFE modules, steel cables, fixing plastic stripes, approx. 900 x 300 cm. Photo Emmanuelle Sion

Solo show

- Origami occidentale I, 2011, stainless steel modules, 180 x 180 x 190 cm approx. Photo Alicia Luxem

Solo show

- Rainbow Trusses (pumpkin resample), 2010, UV protected polycarbonate, Optical Lighting Film, steel, bronze casting, 71 x 52 x 67 h cm. Photo Alicia Luxem

Solo show

- The Monologue Drawings (Nonvolatile polymer device), 2006 mixed media on paper, 132 x 120 cm approx. Photo Emmanuelle Sion

Solo show

- The monologue sites (morphing cloud), model), 2005, wood, PVC, resin, plastic, electric system, aluminium base, 70 x 70 x 70 cm. Photo Alicia Luxem

Solo show

- The Monologue Sites (Space Filling Polyhedra, model I), 2005, Wood, plastic plants, resin, PVC, Optical Lighting Film 3M,  70 x 70 x 200 cm. Photo Alicia Luxem

Solo show
Solo show
Solo show
Solo show
Solo show
Solo show
Solo show
Solo show