Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo
'Gigantisme - Art & Industrie'

DANIEL BUREN Photo-souvenir : Cabane éclatée n°10, travail situé, 1985, in « Gigantisme - Art & Industrie », Frac Grand Large, Dunkerque, 4 May 2019-5 January 2010. Detail © DB-ADAGP Paris - Photo : Frac Grand Large - Hauts de France


'Gigantisme - Art & Industrie'


group exhibition 

Frac Grand Large 

Dunquerque, France 


GIGANTISM - ART & INDUSTRY, a triennial event that brings together a visionary attitude with a taste for the beautiful and a penchant for risk taking and extraordinary adventures, incorporates contemporary art with the architectural in one of Northern France’s iconic contemporary art spaces. Daniel Buren presents the work Cabane éclatée n°10, an architectural form that invites the viewer to enter inside. Buren describes the exploded huts as “sites in sites, places in places” as they are mobile and can be reconstituted according to their surrounding space; the visual result of the work is integrally affected by its place of representation. The viewer must readjust the relations he maintains with the surrounding world when he enters the structure as their common perspectives will be fundamentally questioned and redefined.

04/05/2019 - 05/01/2020