‘Una cosa non esclude l’altra’
September 28, 2019 | 3.30 pm
Via del Castello 11, San Gimignano (SI)
"The title of the exhibition is “One thing doesn’t exclude the other” originates from the symbol of the third paradise which is formed of three circles. The circle on one side represents a concept, which is then contrasted and counterposed by the circle on the opposing side; in the circle at the centre the two opposite elements combine to create a new situation, one which didn’t previously exist. It is therefore the symbol of creation: creation happens in the connecting of two different and distant elements which could either meet in a thunderous fashion – giving rise to war, explosions and arguments – or, in our case, find unison in the centre, to create something balanced, new and marvellous, which will be our future. In this way duality becomes fundamental. One and one creates duality. But what, then, does duality produce? It produces a third element, at its centre, which makes three. Thus one and one makes three. "
"One thing add to another always give something. Here is the title of the exhibition, it simply means that mixes are good, that the aventure is good. One should never put a stop to meetings, it is a story of encounters. It is a story of the unknown also: something plus something else gives something, so it is about putting the content in this attitude, in this word, in this sentence. In the context of this exhibition, the two main things are: myself, Pascale Marthine Tayou, and the other thing is the Patriarch, Michelangelo Pistoletto. So both of us, put face to face, or mixed, perhaps it will give « you », give the whole world, or give something different that we will discover together. We invite you to a dinner and we hope that our recipe will produce a good dish."