Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo

Selected Solo Exhibitions


Border Lines, Michel Rein, Paris, France


Drilling for Light, Michel Rein, Brussels, Belgium


Brainstorming, Mamam, Recife, Brazil

Shadow piece, Vera Cortes Art Agency, Lisbon, Portugal


Femme sans ombre, Le Moulin, Galleria continua, France


Excess of young, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy


Salt 2: Sophie Whettnall, UMFA Utah Museum of Fine Art, Salt Lake City, USA

Explicit Silence, Fondation Miro, Espai 13, Barcelona, Spain


Endless landscape, Vera Cortes Agência, Lisbon, Portugal


Moving mountains, Galleria Moriarty, Madrid, Spain

Red Snow, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy


Landescape, CIAP, Belgium

Conversation Piece, Project Room, Galerie Baronian-Francey, Brussels, Belgium

In two minds, Vera Cortés, Art Agency, Lisbon, Portugal


Üppland, LE BLAC, Brussels, Belgium

Echo, Galerie Baronian-Francey, Brussels, Belgium

Cara a cara, Bartholomeu 5, Lisbon, Portugal


Face a Face, Parcours d’expositions monographiques, Lille, France


Tschumipavillion, DeSchool, Groningen, The Netherlands

DOT. Project, London, UK

Trafic Humain, Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels, Belgium


Deroutes, Galerie Albert Baronian, Brussels, Belgium

Selected Group Exhibitions


Ubi Fracassorium, ibi Fuggiotorium, ArtQ13, Rome, Italy

Ho, les beaux jours!, Louvain-la-Neuve Biennal, Belgium


Art on Paper, BOZAR, Brussels, Belgium

Comme si de rien n était, Musée & Jardins Van Buuren, Brussels, Belgium


Houston, Island, Brussels, Belgium

Private Choice, Private Choice, Paris, France

Follia Continua!, Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris, France

Louise186, Louise 186, Brussels, Belgium

Writing Diffraction, Leal Rios Foundation, Barcelona, Spain


Call me on Sunday, Krinzinger Projekte, curated by Ursula Maria Probst, Vienna, Austria

Landscapes, Galerie Michel Rein, Brussels, Belgium


De Narcisse à l'Echo ou "la petite mort", Espace le Carré, Lille


Les Tournent, Festival de films de femmes de Bruxelles, Bruxelles

Limites Multiples, L'orangerie, espace d'art contemporain, Bastogne

Nuit des Musées à Belfort, Musée des beaux arts, salle au Granit, Belfor


Les (in)contrôlés, Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles, Paris, France

A.B.C Art Belge Contemporain, Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains , Tourcoing, France

Ars Itineris, El viaje en el arte contemporaneo, Museo de Navarra , Pamplona, Spain

Shadow Boxing, The World Expo of Shangai 2010, Art Corner of the Belgian Pavilion, Shangai, China

Filmotek - Pieds dans l'herbe, Atelier 340 Muzeum , Brussels, Belgium

L'Evento Immobile, Asolo Art Film Festival, Asolo, Italy

(OUT OF) CONTROL, BIP2010, Liège, Belgium

Workshop given by Sophie Whettnall, Loop, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain

Here and Now, Curated by Julia Draganovic - Bologna Art First, "ARTFERIA 2010", Galleria Continua, Bologna, Italy


Sophie Whettnall, Antonio Maro, IKOB, Eupen, Belgium.

Honorons Honore, De garage, ruimte voor actuele kunst, Mechelen, Belgium

L’evento immobile, Incantamenti, Casa Masaccio, San Giovani Valderno, Italia

El hombre delgado y los desastres naturales, Suffix Arte contemporáneo, Seville, Spain 

Resilience, Galleria Continua / Le Moulin, Boissy-le-Châtel, France

La Mirada Iracunda / The Furious Gazes, Centre Cultural Montehermoso, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Les artistes de la Casa de Velásquez, La Garenne Lemot, Gétigné-Clisson, France


L’Emprise du lieu, curated by Daniel Buren, Expérience Pommery #4, Reims, France

Think with the Senses – Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense, curated by Robert Storr, 52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale, Italy

Viages,  nuevas perigrinaciones, CGAC, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Sur un fil, tendu!, MAC’s Grand Hornu, Hornu, Belgium


Conversation Piece, Galeria Moriarty, ARCO, Spain

Happy End, Le Blac, Brussels, Belgium

A Chocolataria, Espacio de Experimentación y Creación Contemporanea, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Red Snow, Casa de Velazquez, Madrid, Spain


Shadow boxing, Galeria Moriarty, ARCO, Madrid, Spain

Unspeakable, Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels, Belgium

Boost in the shell, curated by Michel Dewilde and Jérome Jacobs, Brugge, Belgium

Belgian focus, Argos 2005, Brussels, Belgium

The video dictionnary, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain

Sophie Whettnall - Lionel Estève, Galerie Commune, Tourcoing, France

One year residency at La Casa de Velazquez, Madrid, Spain

Led a two months video workshop with students of sculpture, La Cambre (Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Visuels), Brussels, Belgium


You said erotic, La Maison de Marijke Schreurs, Brussels Belgium

Boucle d’or, Transat vidéo, Frac Basse-normandie, France

Moving images,, ICA Digital Studio, London, UK

Courtisane, Festival voor kortfilm, video and nieuwe media, Gent, Belgium

Play, Stadsgalerij, Heerlen, The Netherlands

Commissioned for the Video dictionnary, The Video Art Fondation, Barcelona, Spain

Led a two months video workshop with students of sculpture, La Cambre (Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Visuels), Brussels, Belgium


25hrs, Video Art Show, Barcelona, Spain

Le printemps extra large, Brussels, Belgium

Argos 2003, Brussels, Belgium

Exploracions, Lacapella, La Virreina Exposicions, Barcelona, Spain

Led a tree months video workshop with students of sculpture, La Cambre (Ecole Nationale Supérieur des Arts Visuels), Brussels, Belgium


Tancat per obres, COAC, Barcelona, Spain

Tanto por ciento, Doméstico 01, Madrid, Spain

Le Petit Cabinet d’un Amateur de Ruines, curated by Johan Pas, Orion Art  Gallery, Oostende, Belgium

Family Plot, Galerie Baronian-Francey, Brussels, Belgium 

Blend, Kamerklooster, Gent, Belgium

Location update, curated by Philippe Braem, Speelhoven, The Netherlands

Moi ou un autre, Autoportrait d’artistes Belges, Dexia, Brussels, Belgium

The show must go on, Witte Zaal, Gent, Belgium

Act, Espace BBL, Brussels, Belgium


Dépays(ag)é, curated by Claude Lorent, Orion Art Gallery, Oostende, Belgium

International Film Festival of Rotterdam, Satellite Edition, Grand Theatre, Groningen, The Netherlands

Detecting-Rebuilding, All Open, Hangar, Barcelona, Spain

TOP 01, Poblenou, Barcelona, Spain

Adicciones en pantalla, Dot light club, Barcelona, Spain

Commerce, Pont-Croix, France

Instant Fragile, Passage de Retz, Paris, France

Argos 2001, Brussels, Belgium

Ici et Maintenant, Belgian System, curated by Laurent Jacob, Brussels, Belgium

It’s not the next time yet, curated by Jorge Bravo, Dot light club, Barcelona, Spain

Group show, Gallery Bernier-Eliades, Athens, Greece

Air liquide, Eau gazeuse, with Grout-Mazeas, Centre d’Art Contemporain, Cimaise et Portique, Albi, France


Argos 2000, Brussels, Belgium

Circus Maximus, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Towards Television, Tele N.I.C.C, Antwerpen, Belgium 

Le Lustre et Le Robinet, with Lionel Estève, Maison de Marijke Schreurs, Brussels, Belgium


Trafic, SMAK extra muros, Gent, Belgium (participation au projet de Meschac Gaba)

Nuit de L’Imaginaire, intervention in situ, Abbaye de Villers-la-Ville, Belgium

Exposition Larsen, Galerie du Credit Communal, Brussels, Belgium

Entre Deux, Museum voor Fotografie, Antwerpen, Belgium

Videos, Galerie Dorothée De Pauw, Brussels, Belgium

What’s happening today, Microsoft Building, Brussels, Belgium

Prix de la Jeune Peinture Belge, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium


Art et Culture, La Chocolaterie, Brussels, Belgium

1000 BXL, 100 Grand Street, New York, USA

Bureau N.i.C.C augmenté, N.I.C.C, curated by Michel François, Antwerpen, Belgium