Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- El día que te dije adiós  (políptico) / The day I said goodbye to you (polyptych), 2020, Plexiglass, adhesive tape, led light, 138 x 120 cm | 54,33 x 47,24 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Burbuja de felicidad / Bubble of happiness, 2020, Plexiglass, adhesive tape, led light, 43 x 45 cm
| 16,92 x 17,71 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- La casa lejos del mar / The house away from the sea, 2020, Plexiglass, adhesive tape, led light, 60 x 60 cm
| 23,62 x 23,62 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Mirando al cielo / Looking at the sky, 2020, Plexiglass, adhesive tape, led light, 39 x 74 cm
| 15,35 x 29,13 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Ámbar sueña montañas / Ámbar dreams mountains, 2020, Plexiglass, adhesive tape, led light, 110 x 50 cm
| 43,30 x 19,68 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Tautología / Tautology. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- La llegada del sol / The arrival of the sun. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 55 cm | 18,11 x 21,65 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Les Moulins. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Vedado. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- La despedida / The parting. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Camino / Path. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 55 cm | 18,11 x 21,65 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- El encuentro / The Meeting. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Les Moulins, Boissy le Chatel. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Les Moulins, Boissy le Chatel II. From the series Espacios de Memoria / Memory Spaces, 2020, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 46 x 37 cm | 18,11 x 14,56 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests

- Apuntes, Boissy le Chatel / Notes, Boissy le Chatel, 2018, permanent ink on manufactured paper, 25 pieces: 50 x 35 cm | 19,68 x 13,77 in. Unique work

Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests
Donde reposa la mirada / Where the gaze rests