Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo

- ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- The Tribune, 2011, mixed materials, installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- The Arch of Life, 2015, 5 Fiberglass sculptures, wood, installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- How Can One Change Oneself, 2010, wings, mixed media installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- ILYA & EMILIA KABAKOV, exhibition view, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, May 2016, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- The Children’s Corner, 1988, mattress, drawings installation, variable dimension

- The Tribune, 2011, mixed materials installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- I Want To Go Back! (Reverse), 1998, plywood, head, dress, lamp, book, ceramic figure, stool, table installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- The Children’s Corner, 1988, mattress, drawings installation, variable dimension

- How Can One Change Oneself, 2010, wings, mixed media installation, variable dimensions, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- I Want To Go Back! (Reverse), 1998, plywood, head, dress, lamp, book, ceramic figure, stool, table installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- I Will Return on April 12th.., 1990, oil con canvas 200 x 300 cm, mixed materials installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska

- I Will Return on April 12th.., 1990, oil con canvas 200 x 300 cm, mixed materials installation, variable dimension, Photo Ela Bialkowska