Pascale Marthine Tayou at Panorama L'Aquila
7 - 10 September 2023
a city-wide exhibition curated by Cristiana Perrella
We are glad to announce the participation of Pascale Marthine Tayou in the new edition of the city-wide exhibition “Panorama”, a project by ITALICS.
After Procida and Monopoli, ITALICS brings the third edition of Panorama to L’Aquila. Since 2021, this multi-site traveling exhibition has been forging connections between art, architecture, antiquity and the contemporary, and the territory and its communities. For the second year, it has the patronage of UNESCO and the Ministry of Culture.
You can download below the program of events
Panorama L’Aquila is certain to be a unique exhibition experience, an expression of the values of ITALICS. With its capacity to unite the ancient, modern and contemporary, multiple styles, techniques and thoughts in art itineraries, the visitor can explore the most authentic and least known aspects of our Country, continuing in person the extraordinary journey that began in 2020 on the web pages of the platform. The member galleries wanted and shared the format of Panorama with a view to collaborating with the territories involved. The intention is to progressively expand this commitment into a program and into alliances aimed at reaffirming the central nature and role of art galleries in a cultural system, both local and global, that is constantly evolving.
To help you organise your stay, you can download below a practical guide to the city of l'Aquila
Belmond participates as a main partner in support of the activities of ITALICS. The partnership with ITALICS, reconfirmed for the second year, will continue to further the common goal of promoting Italy and its territories through art, inviting the public to see the profusion of culture and beauty throughout the country from a new and original point of view.
We’re looking forward to meeting you at Panorama L’Aquila.