On October 21 2007, Galleria Continua inaugurated a new peculiar site for contemporary creation in the Parisian countryside. Guided by the rhythm of the seasons, Les Moulins hosts many times a year projects and exhibitions of monumental art works by artists from the five continents. Renovated, the site, a former factory of 10,000 m2 embraces its new artistic life with, during its first three years of activity, already 30,000 visitors from all over the world. Since 2008, Galleria Continua launched a new kind of exhibition experience with Sphères, a collective show with different international galleries invited every year. This project allows the visitor to see several international artists. A new cultural wave sweeps over the department creating a strong new interest, energy and identity around Les Moulins. A curiosity and excitment is particularly engaged and perceived by the local inhabitants, as well as Parisians and the international art scene.The site, as well as having commercial preoccupations, also turns itself towards the public and its desires.
Galleria Continua has the desire of continuity between the eras, to write a story sensitive to current creations, which nourishes the bond between yesterday and tomorrow, the individuals and the diverse and unique geographies. After many years of experience around the world, notably in emerging countries, Galleria Continua wishes to strengthen and consolidate its European identity by reinforcing its action on the French territory. Galleria Continua is a strong advocate for cultural projects, which they beleive has the potential to create and stimulate a sustainable economy. In 2010, Galleria Continua took on a new challenge by acquiring the ancient paper mill of Sainte-Marie, just one kilometre from Le Moulin de Boissy. The paper mill of Sainte-Marie dates from the 18th Century and extends onto 15 hectares with 30,000 m2 of built up surfaces, divided into several entities representing various eras. Each space has its own function and therefore benefits from its own architectural and spatial individuality. Since 2011, Galleria Continua has already renovated two large warehouses located in the heart of the old paper mill. These two spectacular exhibition spaces of 1,500 m2, welcome today large solo exhibitions from artists from around the world, such as Kader Attia, Daniel Buren, Mona Hatoum, Anish Kapoor and Sislej Xhafa.
Wednesday through Sunday, Les Moulins are animated with guided visits. Reservation is not required.
Visits at Les Moulins can be customised for all groups of ten or more participants. They can be organized for associations, medical centers, institutions, etc. Reservation is required by phone or e-mail.
GALLERIA CONTINUA / Les Moulins organises visits, seminars and formation meetings dedicated to professionals. Companies, teachers, tour operators, etc. can enjoy a visit and/or a workshop and thoughts sharing, through the works of art, on professional issues such as open-mindedness, communication and team cohesiveness. Reservation is required by phone or e-mail.
School visits aim to the discovery of contemporary art, creation and artistic techniques through a participative and ludic approach. Visits are led by gallery interpreters and are offered to all school levels. As well as all ContinuActions, school visits aim to a large diffusion of contemporary culture. Reservation is required. Visits can be organised in partnership with teachers in order to choose themes related to their academic programs.
The contemporary art works become an opportunity to live a 360° creative experience. It is the starting point from which to live and tell what we can define as an aesthetic experience. The artistical processes are emphasised and explained to students. ContinuActions aim to become moments of cultural and emotional sharing.
Mario Cristiani, partner
Lorenzo Fiaschi, director and partner
Maurizio Rigillo, director and partner