Galleria Continua GALLERIA CONTINUA | Galleria d'arte contemporanea
Galleria Continua
San Gimignano
Les Moulins
Sao Paulo

Carlos Garaicoa, born in Habana (Cuba) in 1967, studied thermodynamics and later painting at the Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana (1989 - 1994). He currently lives and works between Havana and Madrid.

Garaicoa has developed a dialogue between art and urban space through which investigates the social structure of our cities in terms of their architecture. He employs a multi-disciplinary approach to address issues of culture and politics, particularly Cuban, through the study of architecture, urbanism and history. His chief subject has always been the city of Havana. By playing with sculptures, drawings, videos and photographs centred around irony and hopelessness, Garaicoa has found in his installations, for which he often uses a wide variety of materials, a way to criticize modernist Utopian architecture and the collapse of the 20th century ideologies, by going deeper into the concept of the city as a symbolic space.

Among his most important solo shows we can highlight those at the Rocca Maggiore of Assisi (2024), Brownstone Foundation, Paris (2022), PEM Peadoby Essex Museum, Salem (2021), SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah (2020);  Lunds Konsthall and Skissernass Museum, Lund (2019); Parasol Unit Foundation, London (2018); Fondazione Merz, Torino (2017); MAAT, Lisbon (2017); Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao (2017); Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (2016); Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo (2015); CA2M Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Móstoles, Madrid (2014); Fundación Botín, Santander (2014); NC-Arte and FLORA ars + natura, Bogotá (2014); Kunsthaus Baselland Muttenz, Basel(2012); Kunstverein Braunschweig, Brunswick, Germany (2012); Contemporary Art Museum, Institute for Research in Art, Tampa (2007); H.F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (2011); Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (SMBA), Amsterdam (2010); Centre d’Art la Panera, Lérida (2011); Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Caja de Burgos (CAB), Burgos (2011); National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST), Athens (2011); Inhotim Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo, Brumadinho (2012); Caixa Cultural, Río de Janeiro (2008); Museo ICO (2012) and Matadero (2010), Madrid; IMMA, Dublin (2010); Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona (2006); Museum of Contemporary Art (M.O.C.A), Los Angeles (2005);  M.O.M.A, NewYork, US (2005); Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Bogotá (2000).

He has participated in prestigious international events such as: the Biennal of Cuenca (2023),  the Biennials of Havana (1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2009, 2012, 2015), Shanghai (2010), São Paulo (1998, 2004), Venice (2009, 2005), Johannesburg (1995), Liverpool (2006) and Moscow (2005), the Triennials of Auckland (2007), San Juan (2004), Yokohama (2001) and Echigo-Tsumari (2012); Documenta 11 (2003) and 14 (2017) and PhotoEspaña 12 (2012).

He received PEM Prize 2021 and in 2005 he received the XXXIX International Contemporary Art Prize - Foundation Prince Pierre de Monaco, and the Katherine S. Marmor Award in Los Angeles.

Study and Teaching


He taught the international workshop Una ficción en la realidad (Arte, política y arquitectura) at Botin Foundation in Santander

Selected Solo Exhibitions


Ascoltare il volo degli uccelli, Rocca Maggiore, Assisi, IT

Toda utopía pasa por la barriga, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Las Palmas, ES 

Tota utopia passa per la panxa, Fundació Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma, Palma di Maiorca, ES


GOQA, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, ZA

Resistencia, Artvisor, London, UK


Soñamos en la superficie rayada de un cristal, The Wellbeing Project, Bilbao, ES

Contrapeso, Filomena Soares, Lisbon; PT

La ville. Guide spirituel et mondain, Brownstone Foundation, FR


Imágenes Infieles / Unfaithful Images, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Línea Rota de Horizonte, Fundación DIDAC, Santiago de Compostela, SP

Línea Rota de Horizonte, Festival MadBlue Summit 2021, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Condeduque, Madrid  SP

Scratched Surfaces, as Diamond against, Crystal, Goodman Gallery, London UK

When the city sleeps, the citizens awakeMuseum of Fine Arts Atrium and Kula Gallery, Kulturna Ustanova Galerija Kula, Split, HR

Partitura, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, USA


Ciudad vista desde la mesa de casa /  City view from the table of my house, curated by Humberto Moro, SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design), Museum of Art, Savannah, USA

Líneas Ocultas, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT (online)


Landscapes of Labour (Paisajes de Trabajo), Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, BR

Partitura, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Collateral XIII Havana Biennial, La Habana, CU

…a borderless reality like gardens of the eternal…, Lunds Konsthall & Skissernas Museum, Lund, SE


Carlos Garaicoa, Parasol Unit Foundation, London, GB

Carlos Garaicoa: Ser Urbano, Portoseguro, São Paulo, BR

Abismo, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Anatomy and Anathemas, Francesco Pantaleone Arte Contemporanea, Palermo, IT

Birlibirloque, Galeria Elba Benitez, Madrid, ES

Nada veo, Nada digo, Nada oigo, UNAICC - Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba, La Habana, CU

Itinerancia: El Palacio de las Tres Historias, Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago de Compostela, ES


Epifanías urbanas, Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao, ES

Prêt-a-porter, Centro Párraga, Murcia, ES

Carlos Garaicoa, Selected Works. Guerrero-Projects, Houston, US

Yo nunca he sido surrealista hasta el día de hoy, MAAT, Lisbon, PT

Carlos Garaicoa. Yo no quiero ver más a mis vecinos,  Centro de Arte y Naturaleza, Huesca, ES

Saving the Safe, Art Unlimited, Art Basel, CH

Carlos Garaicoa. El Palacio de las Tres Historias, Fondazione Merz, Turin, IT

Bestiary, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN


Testigos, Las Raìces del mundo, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

Unvollendete Ordnung (Orden Inconcluso), Villa Stuck, Munich, DE

The Dark Room, public intervention, 12ª Havana Biennial, Havana, CU


Stories, as lines, drawn over me. IV San Juan Poli/Graphic Triennial, Latin-American and the Caribbean Imágenes desplazadas/ Imágenes en el espacio, Old Spanish Marine Arsenal, San Juan, PR

Políticas y poéticas del espacio, Nasjonalmuseet, Oslo, NO


Línea rota de horizonte, NC-Arte, Bogotá, CO

Diferentes maneras de cruzar un río, Flora + Ars Natura, Bogotá, CO

Orden Aparente (poético-político), Fundación Botín, Santander, ES

Orden Inconcluso (político-poético), CA2M, Madrid, ES

Reflection Refraction, Saludarte Foundation / Ideobox Artspace, Miami, US


Saving the Safe, Ruth Benzacar Galería de Arte, Buenos Aires, AR

Si tienes techo de vidrio...(If you have a glass house...) ,Barbara Gross Gallery, Munich, DE

A City of view from the table of my house, Kunstverein Braunschweig, DE


Without Solution, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

From here. Context and Internationalization, Museo Colecciones ICO (MUICO) Madrid, ES

Carlos Garaicoa: photography as intervention, Official Selection PhotoEspaña 12 (PHE 12)

A City view from the table of my house, Kunsthaus Baselland Muttenz/Basel, CH

L' Optimiste, Galleria Continua, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

A sword and a rose, ICA Institute of Contemporary Art, Sofia, BG

Revolt, battle, change, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, BR

Under construction, Galería Habana, Havana, CU


Photo-Topographies, National Museum of Contemporary, Athens, GR

Party! Not tea party, Elba Benítez Gallery, Madrid, ES

Noticias recientes, Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Burgos, ES

The Dark Room, Instituto Cervantes, Beijing, CN

End of silence, Centre d'Art la Panera, Lleida, ES

Carlos Garaicoa: Making Amends, H.F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, US


Carlos Garaicoa, Matadero de Madrid, Madrid, ES

Carlos Garaicoa, Burgos Museum, ES

Carlos Garaicoa, IMMA, Dublin, IRL

La enmienda que hay en mi, Caixa Girona Foundation, Girona, ES; Marzia Projects, Lisbon, PT; Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellin, CO; Graphic Studio, Tampa, US

Bienes Mostrencos / Land in Abeyance, Museo Arte Moderno de Modellin, (M.A.M.M), Modellin, CO

Overlapping, Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Dublin, IRL

Proyecto Fragil, MARZ GALERIA, Lisbona, PT

Lo viejo y lo nuevo/ Das Alte und das Neue, Galería Barbara Gross, Munich, DE

Fin de Silencio, Matadero de Madrid, Madrid, ES

La enmienda que hay en mì, Museo Nacional de Belles Artes de Cuba, X Bienal de la Habana, CU


The Observatory, Bridge Arts, Castleford, GB

Triunfo, Duda y Celebración, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT

La Mala Semilla, Château de Blandy-Les-Tours, Blandy, FR

The point, the line and the plan, East Central Gallery, London, GB

How to become a millionaire trough the Junk Mail, Luisa Strina Gallery, San Paulo, BR

Yo no quiero ver màs a mis vecinos, Exhibiciòn de video, Salle Zero, Alianza Francesca, La Habana, CU


¿Revolución o Rizoma?, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN

Carlos Garaicoa, La Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro, BR


Latin Kings Music Vol. I-V, Elba Benítez Gallery, Madrid, ES


Capablanca’s Real Passion, Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, US

Postcapital, Palau de la Virreina, Barcelona, ES

Das Gast (videos 1996-2006), Fribourg Kuntshalle, CH

Capablanca’s real passion, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, CA

Yo no quiero ver más a mis vecinos, Castello di Ama, Gaiole in Chianti, IT

The drawing, the writing, the abstraction (with Ezequiel Suárez), Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, US


Self-flagellation, survival, insubordination, Aspen Art Museum, Colorado, US

Capablanca’s real passion, M.O.C.A Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, US

El mapa del viajero, Luisa Strina Gallery, Sao Paulo, BR

Vamos fazer barullo agora, porra! (con Ezequiel Suárez), Galería Habana, La Habana, CU

Carta a los censores. XXXIX International Contemporary Art Prize, Montecarlo, MC

Carlos Garaicoa. Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Yorkshire, GB

Because every city has the right to be called Utopia. Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno, GB

Things that happen when life goes very wrong, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT


La misura di quasi tutte le cose, Palazzo delle Papesse, Siena, IT


Letter to the censors. Artist Statements, Art Basel, in collaboration with Lombard Freid Fine Arts, Miami, US

La habitación de mi negatividad, Galería La Casona, VII Bienal de la Habana, CU

Carta a los censores, Piccolo Teatro dell'anarchia, Fondazione Volume!, Rome, IT

Autoflagelación, Supervivencia, Insubordinación, Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona, ES

De la serie Nuevas Arquitecturas, Centro Wifredo Lam, La Habana, CU

Lecciones de Historia, Casa de América, Madrid, ES

Carlos Garaicoa, Galería Elba Benítez, Madrid, ES

El asesino de la baraja, Espacio C, Camargo, ES


Ni Christ, ni Marx, ni Bakounine, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, FR

Now let’s play to disappear, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, IT


Because every city has the right to be called Utopia, Lombard-Freid Gallery, New York, US

The last 10 days of the market, Aarhus Festival. Galeri Image, Aarhus, DK

Carlos Garaicoa, Art & Public Cabinet, Gineve, CH


Nouvelles Architectures, Farideh Cadot Gallery, Paris, FR

Recuadros (con Federica Herrero), Jacobo Karpio Gallery, San Jose, CR

Carlos Garaicoa: La ruina; La Utopía (obras1990-2000), Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango, Banco de La República, Bogotá, CO; Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, VE; Museum of the Arts, New York, US


Paisaje. ArsTeorETICA, San Josè, CR

Survia, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Primer Salon de Fotografia, Havana, CU


Principio y fin de las fascinaciòn, Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU


El paisaje, los limitès, Fototeca de Cuba, Havana, CU

Habana: a survey, Carla Stellweg, New York, US

Cuando el deseo se parece a nada, Art in general, New York, US

El voluble rostro de la realidad, Fundacìon Ludwid de Cuba, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Habana, CU


El espacio decapitado, Centre PasquArt, Biel-Bienne, CH


El sueno de la razòn, Fotografìas y Objectos, CentroWifredo Lam, Havana, CU


Las metàforas del templo, Curator and artist, Centro de Desarrollo de Artes Visuales, Havana, CU


Tu nùmero de suerte (fotografias e instalaciones), Juan Francisco Elso Gallery, Asociaciòn Hermanos Saìz, Havana, CU


Dias de infancia (dibujo y pintura), Galeria del Centro de Investigaciones del Ministero de Educacion, Havana, CU

Selected Group Exhibitions

2023, curated by Norbert Francis Attard, VALLETTA CONTEMPORARY, Valletta, MT

Open Studio 20.0, Estudio Carlos Garaicoa, Madrid, SP

Quizá mañana, XVI Bienal de Cuenca, Cuenca, EC


Metanarrativas. Colección MUSAC, MUSAC Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León, ES

Así van las cosas. Museo de Artes Visuales – MAVI UC, Santiago de Chile, CL


'LA BRÈCHE', Galleria Continua, Paris, FR

Truc à Faire, curated by JR, Galleria Continua, Paris, FR


Utopie Fantastiche /Fantastic Utopias, curated by Ilaria Bonacossa, in collaboration with Galleria Continua, Rocca di Angera, Varese, IT

The Ark. Contemporary readings from the archive of Villa Conde Duque, Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid (SP)

Cuba Talks, Musée Commanderie de Peyrassolin collaboration with Galleria Continua, Flassans-sur-Issole, FR

Architecture into Art / Arquitectura en el arte, Fondacion Botin, Santander, ES

À toi appartient le regard et (…) la liaison infinite entre les chosesMusée du Quai Branly, Paris, FR

Intersections, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, FR

Connection Currents: Contemporary Art at the Museum of Fine Arts, MFAH, Houston, US

Mirador Circular, Galleria Continua, Habana, CU

Obra Temprana / Early Work, Galería Elba Benítez, Madrid, SP


GLASSTRESS 2019, Fondazione Berengo Art Space, Campiello della Pescheria, Murano, Venice, IT

No habrá nunca una puerta. Estás dentro. Fundación Banco Santander, Madrid, ES

Latinoamérica en las colecciones CA2M y Fundación ARCO. Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid, ES

Fiction and Fabrication. MAAT Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon, PT

The Faces of Saco. Collateral to the XIII Havana Biennial, Espacio Aglutinador, La Habana, CU

Culture and The People: El Museo del Barrio, 1969-2019. Museo del Barrio, New York, US

Intersecciones. Collateral to the XIII Havana Biennial, Factoría Habana, La Habana, CU

Illness Has A Colour. Collateral to the XIII Havana Biennial, Estudio 50, La Habana, CU


The Pulse of the Body. Uses and Representations of Space, Per Amor A l'Art Collections, Bombas Gens Centre D'art, Valencia, ES

ANIMA, Open Studio 13.0, Carlos Garaicoa Studio, Madrid, ES

Ola Cuba!, Lille3000, Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille, FR

Dialogues: 2 X 1, ARCOmadrid, Madrid, ES

Carlos Garaicoa, 12th Gwangju Biennale, Gwangju, KR

50 Aniversario del Museo de Villa Stuck: Grande Soriées, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, DE

Chi utopia mangia le mele, Ex Dogana di terra di Verona, Soprintendenza di Verona, Corte Dogana 2, Verona, IT


Las Ciudades Invisibles, UNAICC Unión Nacional de Arquitectos e Ingenieros de la Construcción de Cuba, La Habana, CU

El borde de una herida, CDAN Huesca, Huesca, ES

Please Come Back.Il mondo come prigione?, MAXXI Museo Nazionale Delle Arti del XXI Secolo, Rome, IT

Wild Noise / Ruido Salvaje, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, US

Adiós Utopia: Dreams and Deceptions in Cuban Art since 1950, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Houston, US

Película/Film, Carlos Garaicoa Open Studio 12.0, Madrid, ES

As If Sand Were Stone: Latin American Contemporary Art, Vivian & David Campbell Centre for Contemporary Art at the AGO, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, US

Dimensois Variáveis - Artistas e Arquitetura, MAAT Museu Arte Arquitetura tecnologia, Lisbon, PT

Cuban Art Now, Singer Laren, Laren, NL

On the Horizon: Contemporary Cuban Art from the Jorge M. Pérez Collection, Pérez Art Museum Miami (PAMM), Miami, US

ANTIDORON, The EMST Collection, documenta 14, Fridericianum, Kassel, DE

Arte en el cambio de Siglo, Centro Botín, Santander, ES

El fin del Gran Relato, Galería Taller Gorría, La Habana Vieja, CU

Turbulence, Galeria de Torreao Nascente da Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon, PT

Condemned to be Modern, LAMA, Los Angeles, US

Continua Sphères ENSEMBLE, Le Centquatre-Paris, FR

Cambio de rumbo, Colección DKV- Colección INELCOM. Tabacalera, Madrid, ES

South South. Let me Begin Again, Goodman Gallery, Capetown, ZA

Cuba mi amor, Galleria Continua, Boissy-le-Châtel, FR

Please Come Back. The World as a Prison?, Institut Valencià d’Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia, ES

¿Soy Cuba? Palazzina del Bagni Misteriosi, Milan, IT


Cuando hay esperanza, Trienal de Fotografía de Hamburgo, DE

Cuba Libre, Zeitgenösssische Positionen seit Peter Ludwig, Museum Ludwig, Koblenz, DE

New Territories: Laboratories for Design, Craft and Art in Latin America, Albuquerque Museum,  Albuquerque, US, Museo Amparo, Puebla, MX

Transhumance, Centre d'Art de Bruxelles (CAB), Brussels, BR

Artista X Artista (III), Residencia Artista X Artista, Havana, CU

La madre de todas las artes, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

Iconocracia. Imagen del poder y poder de las imágenes en la fotografía cubana contemporánea, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno (CAAM), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ES

New Territories: Laboratories for Design, Craft and Art in Latin America, Albuquerque Museum,  Albuquerque, USA, Museo Amparo, Puebla, MX

Artista X Artista (III), Residencia Artista X Artista, Havana, CU

Imágenes desplazadas / imágenes en el espacio, 4a Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan, PR

Cuba. Tatuare la storia, PAC, Milan; Cantieri della Zisa, Palermo, IT

La fine del mondo, Museo Pecci, Prato, IT

Nido sin Árbol, UNAICC Colegio de Arquitectos, Habana, CU

Gradenties artísticos y ciudad transversal, SOLAR Acción Cultural Sociedad Arte, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, ES

Todo abierto, Friche de la Belle de Mai, Marsella, FR

40 Aniversario Arte en Colombia, Artnexus, Espacio Artnexus, Bogotá, CO

Colección Macba 31, MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona, ES


City Walks, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm, SE

Beleza!, Centro Cultural São Paulo, BR

Una singularidad desnuda, Carlos Garaicoa Open Studio 10.0., Madrid, ES

Ejercicios de traslado: Colecciones 9915, Centro de Arte de Alcobendas, Madrid, ES

O Museu a Haver, Fórum Eugénio de Almeida, Évora, PT

Photography in Cuba Today, Chazen Museum of Art, Madison, US

Cuba Libre!: Works from the Shelley and Donald Rubin Private Collection, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, US

CRACK!, Havana Gallery, Havana, CU

Fondation Volume! Passages, Contemporary and Modern Art Museum of Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint-Étienne, FR

Quarta-Feira de Cinzas, Visual Arts School of Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, BR

25 years, Elba Benítez Gallery, Madrid, ES

Multiple worlds, Carreras Mugica Gallery, Bilbao, ES

Another side of a new world, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, RU

Follia Continua!, CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris, FR

Chronicle, Casa Cortés Foundation, San Juan, PR

El cuarto oscuro, 12a Bienal de la Habana, Cuba Artista X Artista, Estudio Carlos Garaicoa, La Habana, CU

La apisonadora y el violín. Una travesía por la colección Meana Larrucea, Fundación Valentín de Madariaga, Sevilla, España Crack!, Galería Habana, La Habana, CU

Iconocracia. Fotografía cubana contemporánea, Artium, Vitoria-Gasteiz, ES


Permission to be Global, Latin American Art from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, Boston, US

Roesler Hotel #25: Dispositivos para um mundo (im)possìvel (Apparatuses for an (im)possible world), Nara Roesler Gallery, São Paulo, BR

Naka-Boso International Art Festival Ichihara Art x Mix, Ichihara, Chiba, JP

Entre deux chaises, un libre, Fondation Boghossian - Villa Empain, Centre d'art et de dialogue entre les cultures d'Orient et d'Occident, Bruxelles, BE

Numerar, nombrar, pensar (El Método Científico), Open Studio 9.0, Carlos Garaicoa Studio, Madrid, ES

Beyond the Supersquare, Bronx Museum, New York, US

And it finally happened, Galería Habana, Havana, CU

BlockHouse, La Conservera, Contemporary Art Center, Ceutí, ES

Requiem for the Bibliophile, Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbara, MCA, Santa Barbara, US

Without Masks: Contemporary Afrocuban Art. The von Christierson Collection, Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia, MOA, Vancouver, CA

The Marvelous Real, Mot Museum, Tokyo, JP

An Empire State of Mind, Lehman College Art Gallery, New York,  US

Habitar, Construir, Pensar: Perspectivas poéticas y discursivas en el vídeo arte contemporáneo cubano (1990- 2010), Centro de Creación Contemporánea (CCCO), Cádiz, ES

New territories: Laboratories for design, craft and art in Latin America, Museum of Art and Design MAD, New York, US


Balconism, Parallel event to 55th Venice Biennale, Venice, IT

Utopia Starts Small, 12th Triennial of Small-scale Sculpture Fellbach 2013, Fellbach, DE

Artificial Amsterdam, De Appel Arts Center, Amsterdam,  NL

Latin America  1960-2013, Cartier Foundation, Paris, FR

Extreme carperts. From Timbuctù to Contemporary Art, Fondazione 107, Turin, IT

Jornadas contra Franco, C/ Encarnación González no 8, Vallecas, Madrid, ES

The Word Transformed, Open Studio 8.0, Carlos Garaicoa Studio, Madrid, ES


Invisible cities. MASS MoCA, North Adams, US

Lugares en pérdida. Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Huarte/Uharte, Navarra, ES

Walk the line. Galería Max Estrella, Madrid, ES

Fifty Year of Latin American Art. Selection from The Neuberger Museum of Arts. Avenue of the Americas Art Gallery, New York, US

Open Studio 6.0. Construct, Deconstruct and Destroy. Carlos Garaicoa Studio, Madrid, ES

New Artworks in the Collection. Centre Pompidou, Paris, FR

Ud. Está entrando ahora _____, Centre for Contemporary Art, Derry-Londonderry, GB

End of Silence, 11th Havana Biennale: Artistic practices a nd social imaginaries,  Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

All Our Relations. 18th Biennale of Sydney, Cockatoo Island, AU

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale. EchigoTsumari Satoyama Museum of Contemporary Art, Kinare, JP

Inhotim Instituto de Arte Contemporáneo. Inhotim, Brumadinho, BR

Caribbean: Crossroads of the world, Museo del Barrio, Queens Museum of Art and Studio Museum, New York, US

Roots, Memory, Identity and Change in Today´s Art, Palazzo De Sanctis, Fondazione Malvina Menegaz, Palazzo Clemente, Castelbasso, IT

Revolution not televised, Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, US

The Stumbling Present: Ruins in Contemporary Art, Art, Design & Architecture Museum UC Santa Barbara, US

Facing walls, opening windows. Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN

Industrial Park, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, BR

Sweet and safe. Happening, Kreëmart Special Project for CIFO, CIFO Art Space, Miami, US

Take, take, take and...?, Biennale Regard Benin. Inventing the World. The Artist as Citizen, The National Print Shop, Porto Novo, BJ

Language Games. Centro de Artes Visuales Fundación Helga de Alvear de Cáceres, ES


Beijing Online Inlive - 10 Hands 100 Fingers, Galleria Continua, Beijing, CN

Haunted: contemporary photography/video/performance, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, US; Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, ES

Strictly global! Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt Am Main, DE

Of Bridges and Borders, Fundación PROA, Buenos Aires, AR

Ideal Project, Centro Cultural São Paulo, BR

A Sense of Perspective, Tate Liverpool, GB

Architecture and power, Tate Modern, London, GB

The draughtman´s contract. Open Studio 5.0, Estudio Carlos Garaicoa, Madrid, ES

Midnight in the City. ARTIUM Centro-Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, ES

Ya se leer. Imagen y texto en el Arte Latinoamericano, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam/Galería de la Biblioteca Rubén Martínez Villena, Havana, CU

Penélopes Labour: Weaving Words and Images.Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, IT

Under construction. Art and Architecture at the Coleção Teixeira de Freitas, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes TE, Tenerife, ES

XI Biennale of Cuenca-Ecuador, Museo de Arte Moderno, Cuenca, EC

The Future Last Forever, Gävle Konstcentrum, Gävle, SE

Regress Progress. Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL

Dublin Contemporary 2011: Terrible Beauty – Art, Crisis, Change & The Office of Non-Compliance, Dublin, IRL

Coup d’éclat. Fort du Bruissin, Centre d’art contemporain, Francheville, FR


Midnight in the City, Centre d'Art la Panera, Leida, ES

Stressisimo, Galería Habana, Havana,  CU

First and Last, Notes on the Monument, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo,  BR

There is Always a Cup of Sea to Sail in, 29th São Paulo Biennal, São Paulo, BR

Ut(r)ópicos: Central America and The Caribbean, 31st Pontevedra Biennial, Pontevedra,  ES

Puntos de fuga, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín (MAMM), Sede Ciudad del Río, Medellín,  CO

And Writers, First Nanjing Contemporary Art Biennal, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing, CN

Isole mai trovate/ Islands never found, Palazzo Ducale Appartamento del Doge, Genova, IT

Linguaggi e sperimentazioni, MART Rovereto, Rovereto, IT

ERÖFFNUNG IN NEUEN RÄUMEN, Barbara Gross Galerie, Munich, DE

XVII Bienal de Art de Paiz, GT

Without Mask. Contemporary Afrocuban Art, Johannesburg Art Gallery, ZA

Ruptures and Cotinuities: Photography Made alter 1960 from the MFAH Collection, Museum of fine Arts, Houston, US

Memoria Technica. Examining the Tension between Aesthetics and the Representation of the Self, East Central Galleries, London, GB

Like tears in rain, Palácio das Artes, Fundação da Juventude, Porto, PT

Modelos para armar. Pensar Latinoamérica desde la Colección MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, León,  ES

Ideal Project, Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago de Chile, CL

The Earth is Blue Like an Orange, Musée de Beaux-Arts, Montreal, CA

Trasparenze - L'arte per le energie rinnovabili, Museo MADRE, Naples and MACRO, Rome, IT

Islands Never Found, State Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki, GR

Há sempre um copo de mar para o homem navegar / There is always a cup of sea to sail in29th Bienal de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, BR

Haunted: Fotografía/Vídeo/Performance contemporáneos, Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao, ES

Sinergias. Arte latinoamericano actual en España, Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, MEIAC, Badajoz; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural - Unión Fenosa,  La Coruña, ES

Sobrestructuras, OTR. Espacio de arte, Madrid,  ES

Guerra y arte ¡Grande hazaña! Con muertos, Sala Puertanueva, Córdoba, ES

It is it, Espacio 1414, Santurce, PR

Pieza única, Delegación del Principado de Asturias en Madrid, Madrid, ES

Malas Calles, Institut Valencià d'Art Modern (IVAM), Valencia, ES

Contemplating the Void: Interventions at Guggenheim Museum, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, US

Changing the focus: the Art of Latin American Photography (1990-2005), Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), Long Beach, US

I Shot the sheriff (Héroes y Villanos), Open Studio 4.0, Carlos Garaicoa Studio, Madrid, ES

Atopía, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona, ES

Margins of Silence, Centro de Artes Visuales Fundación Helga de Alvear, Cáceres, ES

De Frente al Sol, Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna, AT

La enmienda que hay en mí (Making Amends), USF Contemporary Art Museum, Tampa, US

Rehearsal/Ensayo, 8th Shanghai Biennal, Shanghai Art Musum, Shanghai, CN

Terre vulnerabili. A growing exhibition, Fondazione HangarBicocca, Milan, IT

SEE REASON, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Ámsterdam, NL

Iles jamais trouvées, Musée d'Art Moderne de Saint-Étienne Métropole, Saint-Étienne, FR

Viaggio in Italia. Sguardi internazionali sull’Italia Contemporanea, Palazzo Fabroni, Pistoia, IT

Facing the Sun, Martin Janda Gallery, Wien, AT

And Writers, First Nanjing Contemporary Art Biennal, Jiangsu Provincial Art Museum, Nanjing, CN

Ver para Creer, Arte Paiz Biennial, Ciudad de Guatemala, GT

Spazio. From the Body to the City, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo (MAXXI), Rome, IT


Panorama de arte Brasileira, Museo de Arte Moderno, São Paulo, BR

El Patio de mi Casa, Arte Contemporaneo en 16 Patios de Còrdoba, Cordoba, ES

Art Kabinet, Art Basel Miami Beach, Galleria Continua, Miami, US

Panorama, Modern Art Museum (MAM), São Paulo, BR

Video in the street Project, Murcia, ES

Irreversible (Doble cara de la colecciòn Sanchez Ubirìa), Pazo de Cultura Pontevedra, ES

ARTTLV_09, Tel Aviv-Yafo, IL

Confluencias Inside, NHCC Art Museum (National Hispanic Cultural Center), Alburquerque, US

The Sky within my house, Contemporary art in 16 years of Còedoba, University of Philosophy and  Literature in Cordoba, ES

Spheres 2009, Galleria Continua, Paris, FR

Cartografias Disidentes, itinerante, Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasile - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Caracas, Venezuela - Centro de Formacion de la Cooperacion Española, Cartagena de Indias, CO

Desenhos [Drawings]:A-Z, Museu de Cidade, Lisbon, PT

Fragile. Terres d’emphatie, Musée d’Art Moderne, Saint Étienne, FR

Making Worlds, 53 Biennal of Venice, Venice, IT

Mundus Novus/Arte Contemporaneo Latinoamericano, 53 Venice Biennal, ILLA Pavilion, Arsenale, IT


Unbroken Ties: dialogues in Cuban Art, The Museumof Art, Fort Lauderdale, US

Blow Away, Exhibition Fact Sheet, Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing, Illinois, US

Costruir, habitar, pensar.Perspectivas de La arquitectura contemporanea, IVAM, Valencia, ES

Lança Cuba, Gentil Carioca (Carlos Garaicoa curator and artist), Rio de Janer, Brazil Articulações, Faro, PT

Farewell to Post-Colonialis, Third Guangzhou Triennal, Guangdong Museum of Art, CN

The Prisoner’s Dilemma: selections from the Ella Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, Fundaciòn de Arte Cisneros Fontanal, Art Basel Miami Beach, US

Cartografías disidentes, Itinerante, Santiago de Chile, Madrid, Sao Pablo, Barcelona, Mexico DF, Caracas, VE

Cultural summer, Saint Tropez, FR

Fate Presto, Chiesa dell'Addolorata, Naples, IT

The Sneeze 80 artists x 80 seconds 106 minutes, Durban Art Gallery, ZA

Surrounded by Water: Expressions of Freedom and Isolation in Contemporary Cuban ArtBoston University Art Gallery, Boston, US

¡Cuba! Art and History from 1868 to Today, Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Montreal, CA

Mental Drawings, curated by Ludovico Pratesi, Galleria Alexandra Bonomo, Rome, IT

Common House, Laboratorio per l’Arte Contemporanea, Stabilimento Teseco, Pisa, IT


Expérience Pommery, Domaine Pommery, Reims, FR

Killing Time: An exhibition of Cuban artists from the 1980s to the present, Exit Art, New York, US

Not afraid of the dark, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, Milan, IT

Luz ao Sul, Encuentro entre dos Mares, IV Valencia Biennial, Valencia, ES

Turbulence Auckland Triennial, NZ

Cuestion Xeracional, Galego de Arte Contemporâneo Centre, Santiago de Compostela, ES

Utopian Mirage, The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, New York, US

Commitment, Mechelen, BE

Art Unlimited, Art Basel 38, Basel, DE

A Number of Worlds Resembling Our Own, SMART Project Space, Amsterdam, NL

The Sneeze, Durban Art gallery, Durban, ZA

Homing Devices, Contemporary Art Museum, University of South Florida, Tampa,  US

Il futuro del Futurismo. Dalla “rivoluzione italiana” all’arte contemporanea. Da Boccioni a Fontana a Damien Hirst, Galleria d’arte moderna e contemporanea, Bergamo, IT

IKF, Latin American Art Auction, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami, US

Evento Loop 07 (vídeos), Barcelona, ES

Ouverture, Galleria Continua, Le Moulin, FR

The Shapes of Space, Guggenheim Museum, New York, US

L’emprise du Lieu, Domaine Pommery, Reims, FR


Ideal City-Invisible Cities, Zamosc, Postdam, DE

Nuit Blanche, Paris, FR

Other than Art, G Fine Art, Washington, US

Less. Strategie alternative dell’abitare, PAC, Milan, IT

Metropolitanscapes, Palazzo Cavour, Turin, IT

Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Nigata, JP

C4. Centro Cultura Contemporaneo Caldogno, Vicenza, IT

Overlapping, 4th Liverpool Biennial, Open Eye Gallery, GB

Arte de Cuba Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, BR

De repente livros, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, BR

Estrecho Dudoso, San José, California, US

Museo Tomado, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana, CU

Waiting List, Mestna Galerija, Ljublijana, SLO

Off the Shelf: new from in contemporay artist’s books, The France Lehman Loeb Art Centre, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, US

Habana Factory, Chocolateria, Santiago de Compostela, ES


7th Bienal Internacional de Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

Dialectics of Hope, I Moscow Biennial, RUS

Art Unlimited, Basel, CH

Always a Little Further, 51st Venice Biennale, Arsenale, Venice, IT

Farsite, Insite, Tijuana, US

III Bienal Tirana, AL

M City, Kunsthaus, Graz, AT

Más allá del delirio: arquitectura en una selección fotográfica de la colección Ella Fontanals Cisneros, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation (CIFO), Miami,  US

Inverting the Map: Latin American Art from the Tate Collection, TATE, Liverpool, GB

New Photography, M.O.M.A, NewYork, US


Files, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León, ES

A Taste of the Pain of Others. Contemporary video works from Latin America, L.A Freewaves, Los Angeles, US

Sculpture, Gallery Anne de Villepoix, Paris, FR

Image Smugglers, XXVI Bienal de Sao Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera, BR

Architecture, Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, US

We come in peace… Histories of the Americas, Musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal, CA

Future Cities, Art Gallery of Hamilton, CA

Transmigraciones, Trienal Poli/Gráfica, San Juan, Puerto Rico, PR


Sincretismi, Fondazione Adriano Olivetti, Rome, IT

On/Off Carlos Garaicoa/ Michelangelo Pistoletto, Vista mare Associazione culturale, Pescara, IT

Reality’s Desire, Milan, IT

De ponta cabeca. I Bienal Fortaleza , BR

Artists Imagine Architecture, I.C.A., Boston, US

Copyright, Centro Cultural de España, Havana, CU

Espacio C, Camargo, BR

Modern Islands, Public Project, Dresden, DE

Salon des Refuses, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice, IT

Dream Space / Entre sueños, Deutsche Bank Lobby Gallery, New York, US

Time capsule, Art in General, New York, US

Cuba on the Verge. An island in transition, International Centre of Photography, New York, US

La ciudad radiante, II Valencia Biennial, Centre Cultural Bancaixa, Valencia, ES

Dentro/Fuera: arte Cubano contemporaneo, Charlotte and Philip Hames Art Gallery, Wake Forest University, US


Somebody’s architecture, Documenta 11, Platform 5, Kassel, DE


Mega Wave, I Yokohama Triennial, JP

VI Bienal de La Habana, Centro Wilfredo Lam, Havana, CU

Sonsbeek 9, Arnhem, NL

Shifting TidesL.A County Museum, California; Grey Art Gallery, New York; Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago, US

Demonstration Room (Casa ideal), Museo Alejandro Otero, Caracas, VE; Apex Gallery, New York, US and NICC, Amberes, BE


Cream 2, 10 curators, 100 artists, Exhibition Catalog, Phaidon Press, London, GB

Espacios híbridos (Tania Bruguera, Luis Gómez, Carlos Garaicoa), Galería La Casona, Feria ARCO’00, Madrid, ES

Window onto Venus, VII Biennale of Havana, Havana, CU

Fotolatina, Contemporary Art Museum, Guadalajara, MX

Waterfront project, Helsingør, DK  and Helsingborg, SE

Más allá del Documento, Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, ES

From the negative: conceptual photography from Cuba, Parts Gallery, Minneapolis, US and North Dakota Museum, Dakota, US

Mirror's Edge, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, CA; Castello Di Rivoli, Turin, IT and Tranway, Glasgow, GB


La ciudad vista desde la mesa de casa, Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

Diáspora, Encuentro Internacional de Arte Ciudad, Oviedo, ES

Cuatro artistas cubanos, Geunkens en De Vill Gallery, Knokke, BE

I Bienal Internacional de México, Centro de la Imagen, Distrito Federal, MX

Mirror Edge, Biltdmusee, Umea, SE

Finestre su Venere, curated by Zerynthia Associazione per l’arte Contemporanea, La Grancia, IT

Los mapas del deseo, Kunsthalle, Wien, AT; Kunstraum, Innsbruk, AT and Nicolaj Contemporary Art Center, Copenhagen, DK


Segundo Salón de Arte Contemporáneo, Centro de Desarrollo de Artes Visuales, Havana, CU

La isla del futuro, Palacio de Jovellanos, Gijón, ES

Centroamérica y el Caribe, una historia en blanco y negro, XXIV Bienal de Sao Paulo, Parque Ibirapuera, Sao Paulo, BR

Caribe Insular, Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Badajoz, ES  and Casa América, Madrid, ES

Memoria íntimas, marcas, Electricworkshop, Johannesbourg, ZA; Window-Museum Pretoria, ZA, Pabellón Blanco, Instituto parar el Arte Contemporáneo, Lisboa, PT

La mirada y el laberinto, Cosello da Cultura Galega, ES

Cuba-ON, Generous Miracles Gallery, New York, US

De discretas autorías, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Maracay Mario Abreu, Maracay, VE

Comme peut on être cubain?, Maison de L’ Amerique, Paris, FR

Isla Oscura: New Photography from Cuba, Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, US

Fragmentos a su imán, Casa de las Américas, Havana, CU

Art and Survival in the Utopian Island, Azu Museum, Tempe, US


Jardín japonés. Jardín Cubano, Impresión Taller de serigrafía René Portocarrero, VI Bienal de La Habana, Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

Trienal Internacional del Arte Fotográfico, Romaniemi Art Museum, Helsinki, FI

Festival Internacional de la Ciudad de Medellín, Medellín, CO

Memorias íntimas, marcas, Centro Cultural Portugués, Cuito Cuanavale, AO and The Castle of Good Hope, Cape Town, ZA

Space/Fire, 97 Kwangjú Biennale, Kwangjú, SK

El individuo y su memoria, VI Bienal de La Habana, Centro Wifredo Lam, Havana, CU

Utopian territories: New Cuban Art, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery and Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, CA


Carne, Espacio Aglutinador de Arte, Havana, CU

Las otras escri(p)turas, Centro de Artes Plásticas y Diseño, Havana, CU

Río Almendares, ni fresa ni chocolate, CENCREM, Havana, CU


Trans (intro) post-diario, Galería La Fundición, Bilbao, ES

Cuba: la isla posible, Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, Barcelona,  ES

Una de cada clase, Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (CENCREM), Fundación Ludwig de Cuba, Havana, CU

Africus’95, 1st Johannesburg Biennale, ZA


V Bienal de la Habana, Kunst Forum Ludwig, DE

La nueva generación: fotografía contemporánea de Cuba, Fototeca de Cuba, V Bienal de La Habana, Havana, CU

Entornos y circunstancias, V Bienal de la Habana, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes de Cuba Havana, CU

Utopía, Galería Casa del Joven Creador, Sede de la Asociación Hermanos Saíz, Havana, CU

The new generation, FotoFest, The Menill Colection, Houston,  US


Las metáforas del templo, Centro de Desarrollo de Artes Visuales, Havana, CU


Si Tim tiene, Tim vale, IV Bienal de La Habana, Galería del ISA, Havana, CU



PEM PRIZE 2021, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, USA


Tequila Centenario Award. Zona MACO Contemporary Art Fair. México D.F.


Katherine S. Marmor Award, Los Angeles M.O.C.A

Grants and Prizes


Acquisition Prize for the work I don’t want to see my neighbors anymore, Video LOOP, Barcelona


Selected Young Global Leader 2007 by the Wold Economic Forum


XXXIX International Contemporary Art Price, Montecarlo



Art Residence at Boradallo Pinheiro, Lisbon, Portugal


Artist in residency project. Parts Gallery. Minneapolis, Minnesota


Artist in residence project. Yaddo Corporation, N.Y New York

Artist in residence project, at the Mario Abreu Museum, Maracay


Artist in residence project, Civitella Ranieri Center, Umbertide


Artist in residence project, Art in General, New York


Artist in residence project, City of Biel-Bienne, Pro Helvetia and the Canton of Berne, Berna


Artist in residence project, City of Düsseldorf and the Paul Pozzoza Museum, Düsseldorf

Public collections

Collection of Contemporary Art Comunidad de Madrid, CA2M, Madrid

Collection of Art Fundación Botín, Santander

Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos (CAB), Burgos

Fundació La Caixa, Barcelona

Musée de Beaux Arts de Montréal, Montreal

Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), California

La Collection Du Musée National d’art Moderne (Centre Pompidou), Paris

Museo del Barrio, New York

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), León

Dallas Museum of Art, Texas

Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), Toronto

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York

Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA), Los Angeles

Tate Modern, London

Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid

Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris

Centre PasquArt, Biel-Bienne, Switzerland

The Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York

Los Angeles County Museum (LACMA), Los Angeles

Southeast Museum of Photography, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas

Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Havana

National Gallery of Art, Washington, USA