Una Boccata d’Arte
20 artists, 20 villages, 20 regions
A project by Fondazione Elpis
in collaboration with Maurizio Rigillo of Galleria Continua and with the participation of Threes.
Fifth edition
22.06 – 29.09.2024
Inaugurations: Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June 2024
Una Boccata d’Arte is back from June 22nd to September 29th, 2024. This contemporary art project promoted by Fondazione Elpis has reached its fifth edition, with 100 villages and 100 artists involved since 2020. Every year, 20 villages all over Italy, one for each region, host 20 projects by 20 Italian and international artists, created during a period of residence in contact with the territory and the local communities. For the fifth edition, only artists under 35 have been invited, offering a broad perspective on the contemporary scene through the diversity of their practice and research.
This year the inaugurations will be held on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd June, in all the locations.
Widespread exhibitions, site-specific installations, performances and projects made using different media by the artists involved, will activate a special cultural itinerary that runs through the entire peninsula. An invitation to travel and discover unexpected locations, far from traditional contemporary art circuits, by means of an unprecedented interaction with the territory.
The artists involved in the fifth edition are: Augustas Serapinas in Verrès (AO), Valle d’Aosta; Beatrice Celli in San Sebastiano Curone (AL), Piedmont; Sasha Tishkov in Dolcedo (IM), Liguria; Sofia Silva in Palazzo Pignano (CR), Lombardy; Adji Dieye in Magrè sulla Strada Vino / Margreid an der Weinstraße (BZ), Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol; Tiphaine Calmettes in Porto Levante - hamlet of Porto Viro (RO), Veneto; Mariona Cañadas and Pedro Murua in Paluzza (UD), Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Sóley Ragnarsdóttir in Berceto (PR), Emilia-Romagna; Villiam Miklos Andersen in Serre di Rapolano - hamlet of Rapolano Terme (SI), Tuscany; Ode de Kort in Otricoli (TR), Umbria; Caterina Morigi in San Ginesio (MC), Marche; Elena Rivoltini in Bassiano (LT), Lazio; Agostino Quaranta in Gioia dei Marsi (AQ), Abruzzo; Beatriz de Rijke in Guardialfiera (CB), Molise; Andrea Martinucci in Letino (CE), Campania; Emanuele Marullo in Poggiorsini (BA), Puglia; Giulio Locatelli in Sasso di Castalda (PZ), Basilicata; Lulù Nuti in Motta Filocastro - hamlet of Limbadi (VV), Calabria; Nicola Baratto and Yiannis Mouravas in Sant’Angelo Muxaro (AG), Sicily; Virginia Russolo in Sedilo (OR), Sardinia.